Sunday, April 26, 2020

About Sun Conure

The Sun Conure, also known as the Sun Parakeet is considered to be one of the most beautiful birds in the Parrot family.

The bird gained its popularity owing to its multifaceted personality that delights the experienced bird owner and piques the curiosity of the amateurs or non-bird person. The Sun Conure received its name from its bright yellow and green plumage.


When young, the coloring of Sun Conure remains a muted olive green, which serves as a defense mechanism in the wild. As the bird matures, its color changes into yellow or reddish-orange, the color of the Sun. What attracts most people's attention is its brilliant coloring of yellow, red, orange, blue and green.

Generally, the Sun Conure comes with a bright yellow and green plumage and its cheeks, forehead, abdomen and down to the lower back are tinged with bright fiery orange. All of these colors become brighter and more vivid as the bird matures, with some birds sporting almost totally yellow tones in their body color. The beak and feet are both black.

Special Characteristics

Sun Conures love to be cuddled and handled by their owner. Other features are like:

  • They have a piercing shriek that they will use to draw attention to themselves.

  • They also have sharp environmental orientation level that sometimes tends to make them jumpy or nervous.

  • A certain sound or noise will make them stop their activity to investigate, listen or explore intently.

  • They have a reputation for being the watchdogs of the home, and are quite adept at notifying their owners of any perceived intruders.

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